Tools to be Brilliant!

Dr. Relly Nadler:
Today, we are going to talk about tools to be brilliant. As you know, we have a book that we have recently released, Emotional Brilliance – How to Live a Stress Less, Fearless Life.

Today we’ll talk about some cutting-edge tips for top performers.

We have a new website that we are launching, with an online learning program where you can get a free seven-day trial to check it out.

On our website, there are some areas that we are going to focus on. You get strategies from Dr. Cathy Greenberg and myself, but also thought leaders and top performers. We have things from our Leadership Development News Show from Marshall Goldsmith and Daniel Goleman talking about leadership, Jennifer McCollum from Linkage on women in leadership. We have aspects that you can tap into from Marcia Reynolds, Michael Bungay Stanier around masterful coaching. We have Chester Elton around gratitude.

That just names a few. We also have videos that you can see of both Cathy and myself talking about tips around three key areas; leadership, stress and success, and your fearless future. There are sections on how to get started and an emotional intelligence assessment.

So today, we are highlighting

Before we go further, Cathy, welcome to the show.

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: Thanks, Relly. I think today is going to be a great opportunity for us to share with all of our wonderful listeners from our on-air broadcast, virtual friends and family, about what we have been doing over the past couple of years about how to be the best they can be, especially, in today’s global environment.

I think these tips that we have for them in leadership, stress and success and fearlessness around their future, using this seven-day free trial, is going to be something that will literally change your life.

Relly, I am so excited about today. I don’t know where to begin. There is so much to share.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Yes, there is a lot there. Maybe we can talk a little bit about what emotional brilliance is. Then what we want to do is for our listeners, Cathy, is then give them some pieces of information that we actually have in the book but will be more expanded for their own use on the website. There will constantly be new material and access to these experts, so it is not only you and I but much more on our whole platform.

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: Relly, I think it would be great if you gave them the basics again. Why emotional brilliance, compared to emotional intelligence, and how to use our new NAME process.

And, what I would like to focus on are what are the three categories of audiences that might love to look at this seven-day free trial. Because we have a One Pass, a Master Pass and a Gov-X Pass. I’m happy to explain what those are in the time that we have.

You lead the way and I will follow as graciously as I can.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Okay, good.

When Cathy and I got together for this book on emotional brilliance both of us had been working in the field of emotional intelligence for a long time. For me, it was as soon as I saw Daniel Goleman’s book come out in 1995. So, it has been 25 years dealing with that and, Cathy, your way of touching lives around emotional intelligence.

The analogy that we have encompasses all the concepts of emotional intelligence, the skills, can be this target. You think about the outer rim of a target. These are all the competencies. Emotional brilliance is the bull’s eye. So, what do you pull, what do you summon, what do you beckon in the moment? A lot of what we talk about is how do you be your best or how do you be brilliant in the moment. This is where all your experience comes to bear. What do you say, what do you do, in the moment?

A lot of times we talk about moment mastery. Anybody, the people that we work with, they are on the front lines with the pandemic and everything going on these days people being at home – emotions are enhanced. So, with all that going on how do you manage that?

A couple of the aspects that we think about emotional brilliance; all these competencies are the clothes in your closet. You have to make a presentation to your superiors, or you are working with your friends and you are more casual. What do you pull out of that closet that can fit that moment?

That’s what we are talking about as far as emotional brilliance.

Another aspect of it is; we are in football season and you see the quarterback go up to the line of scrimmage, he looks at the situation, he has a play in mind, and then all of a sudden he pulls an audible. For people who aren’t familiar, an audible is changing the play to fit the situation. That’s emotional brilliance.

That’s really that aspect that we are looking at. Sometimes it’s the secret sauce of what do you pull in the moment. So, a lot of this is understanding yourself. What are your strengths? Understanding others, understanding a situation, and pulling all that in the moment.

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: I was just going to say as you were talking about the sports analogy, I also think of it as – and in our book we go through many stories/scenarios of individuals who have brought to life this emotional brilliance.

I’m thinking of the moms and dads that are waking up every day whether they are together or raising their families independently, and now they have to face, in many instances, working from home and you’ve got multi-generations of children from four-year-olds to teenagers. Sometimes the high school students have gone back to school but the little ones, for the most part, are still home. The daycare centers have not opened up. Mom and dad are figuring out, in the moment, how to take care of business while also taking care of their families.

Everybody has that secret sauce that they go to. That strength that they know they have for each other as a family and certainly in being able to divide up their time to focus on the needs of both their work and their children.

So, our goal is to help all of you expand, improve, and most of all, just select that best emotional competency and strength as Relly says to master that moment.

What I want to make sure everybody understands is there is so much here for each and every one of us. Whether we are single, married, multi-generational, multifaceted in terms of what we are doing with our lives. Are we artists, are we professionals in an executive environment, are we athletes, are we special operators, are we military, are we law enforcement, because what we have to offer here with emotional brilliance spans across every industry, every individual, and every walk of life. There is something here for everybody.

Listen to the entire interview, above.


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