Taming Chaos – Decision Making

Miller - Taming Chaos

This week we are talking with Gary Miller. He is the author of a book called “Taming Chaos.” We all have chaos in our lives and this is a book about decision making and consequences.

As a part of this Taming Chaos, it’s a parable; how can teenagers learn to decide when taking a risk is worth it. When brother and sister Jimmy and Carly find a sacred, wounded, and huge dog in the woods, they are not sure whether to risk helping her. This question launches Carly and Jimmy on an adventure that leads them to learn a revolutionary approach to making decisions. Teenage readers will finish the decision-making parable, Taming Chaos, equipped to tackle difficult life choices with confidence.

Taming Chaos is a fable for teenage students teaching step by step systems for facing life’s big and small decisions with confidence and a calm mind. When life throws challenges at you, you need to know when to swing and when to duck. Join Carly and Jimmy on a journey into life’s most challenging uncertainties.

Gary is the owner of a locally owned and operated insurance company in the historic Spring House in Ft. Washington, Pennsylvania. Gary’s Miller Financial Group is committed to providing quality insurance products for individuals and businesses. Gary Miller and the Miller Group combine their strong insurance backgrounds in product knowledge to assist both current and future clients to manage and plan for all types of potential risks.

He is a prior military professional. We’ll hear a little more about Gary’s experience as a business owner and how he’s taking that into decision making and how it can be very helpful.

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: When we talk about how people learn decision making, some of the emotional intelligence components that you and I talk about and the positive psychology that underlies that; we are going to hear a parable today that incorporates all of those types of traits that leaders need to have and we know that we are developing leaders at a younger and younger age. We are teaching a lot more. We teach them through anti-bullying programs, through global emotional intelligence programs, through companies like 6 Seconds. We teach it to military, paramilitary and industry professionals using the EQi 2.0. We have had an array of experiences.

Today, this simple conversation about a dog named Chaos and how to tame it is going to be a practical application of all of these learnings in a very simple 45-minute format.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Gary, welcome to our show.

Gary Miller: Thank you, glad to be here.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Can you say a little bit about your background? I know that we talked a little bit about The Miller Financial Group, but tell us a little bit about your background and then who has influenced you the most as a leader?

Gary Miller: Well, I would say my father. My father is part of the greatest generation having fought at the end of World War II. Dad graduated locally from a high school called German Town. He was class president. My mom was class vice president. When he graduated in ‘45; in three weeks, he was down to Florida training for the invasion of mainland Japan on a boat. While he was on a boat in the Atlantic, obviously, the following month in August we know what President Harry Truman decided to do. So, he was diverted to Europe.

Dad started our family insurance practice right out of his home in 1948. He never went to college. He was a leader, the kind of guy that I think whenever somebody asks me what my father’s legacy is, it was basically building a family that he never had because his parents divorced at a very young age. He was determined to grow a family. He raised six children and all the sons went to West Point and all the sons have sons that graduated from West Point.

My dad was a Buck Sargent at the end of the second World War and we are American Patriots and a military family, and proud of it.

Listen to the fascinating interview above.


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