Quiet Quitting & Quiet Firing: The Need for Upgraded EI Skills

Dr. Relly Nadler: Welcome to Leadership Development News, Profiles and Practices of Top Performers. I’m Dr. Relly Nadler. Dr. Cathy Greenberg, my esteemed cohost is with us as always. Today we are going to talk about this phenomenon that’s new but old: quiet quitting, quiet firing. The Need for Upgraded EI Skills. We’ll tell you […]

Leading & Self-Managing Through Adverse and Ambiguous Times

Dr. Relly Nadler: Today, we are going to be talking with Steve Gavatorta. He is going to be able to talk about Leading and Self-managing through these adverse and ambiguous times. So, as we are coming out of the pandemic, this is the perfect time to have Steve. We’ll have some questions for him and hear […]

Emotional Brilliance: Feelings Aren’t Biodegradable

We all have emotions all day long. How many of us know how and what to do with them? Emotions influence our decisions, communications, and relationships. In this show Drs. Greenberg and Nadler follow up on the concept of Emotional Brilliance, why it is important, what is it, and hands-on strategies to be fluent and brilliant […]

A positive mindset on your financial future

Dr. Relly Nadler: This week we are sharing our interview with Elaina Spilove, who is an Institutional Consulting Director at the East-West Group at Graystone Consulting, a business of Morgan Stanley Smith Barney. She is a Senior Vice President and a leading financial consultant at the newly merged Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Venture, the East-West […]

Profile of an Emotionally Intelligent Corporate President

This week’s show we are going to talk about emotional intelligence and we are going to profile and emotionally intelligent president. He’s an executive who is constantly working on and applying emotional intelligence in the workplace. We’ll explore some of his secrets and the practice of emotional intelligence in his organization. You’ll hear actual emotional […]

Inspirational Leadership

Dr. Relly Nadler: This week we are going to be focusing on the competency of leadership. How can a leader better position themselves as a leader? How can leaders communicate a compelling vision? How do they transfer their enthusiasm into commitment and to action their followers? What are the best practices to improve leadership? As […]