Fearless Leaders: Sharpen Your Focus

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Dr. Cathy Greenberg is a 25 year veteran of the consulting and coaching industry. Cathy began her career as a physical anthropologist with a degree in behavioral sciences studying monkeys and apes for over a decade focusing on the evolution of the brain and behavior.

Cathy has been instrumental in developing human performance and organizational change methodologies for global Fortune 500 companies like Computer Sciences Corporation and Accenture, where she was a leading consultant. She was the co-founder of Accenture’s Institute for Strategic Change. There she completed one of the most comprehensive research projects to date on leaders of the future. She was able to do that with luminaries in the leadership industry, including, Marshall Goldsmith, Noel Tichy, Warren Bennis, The Drucker Foundation, to name a few.

Today Cathy is going to join us in the first segment of a continuous year-long program to share the latest secrets for Fearless Leaders from her newest forthcoming book, “Fearless Leaders: Sharpen Your Focus” – How the new sciences of mindfulness can help you reclaim your confidence. This is with co-author TC North who we had on the show just a couple of weeks ago.

She will also tell you how you can qualify to be part of the premiere Mindfulness Mastermind at Miraval Resort & Spa sponsored by The Xcel Institute and Fearless Leaders. Just last week for our listeners, we interviewed the CEO, Michael Tompkins of Miraval.

Dr. Relly Nadler: Let’s talk a little bit about the book, Fearless Leaders. Where did you get the idea for the book and what does Mindfulness mean in this new book?

Dr. Cathy Greenberg:  The book itself  is “Fearless Leaders: Sharpen Your Focus” – How the new science of mindfulness can help you reclaim your confidence.  It’s a long title which was determined by our fantastic publisher, Bill Gladstone who is the mind behind so many successes including the “Dummies” series; many of you may be familiar with the beautiful yellow books. He is also responsible for just a host of best-selling books. He is the CEO and founder of Waterside Publishing who won “eBook of the Year” and they are also winners of many awards on innovative publishing. I’m very honored that Bill is taking me and TC on, and he is creating this wonderful, wonderful experience for people.

Dr. Relly Nadler: You are getting into the launch of a whole new book series and training around it. How did that come about and what is the Mindfulness part?

Dr. Cathy Greenberg: I’m going to talk about two aspects of the book. The idea here is that the Fearless Leaders Book was a compilation of years of work that both TC North has done as a professional coach in the sports and performance area as well as an executive coach; and from many, many years from my work in research in the areas of positive psychology and of course the books that I have written over the past years, there are nine of them now; four of them have been in the Happiness series.

Those collaborations come from years of work with people like Marshall Goldsmith, The Peter Drucker Foundation, Frances Hesselbein, Noel Tichy, Warren Bennis; people who have been incredibly inspirational. It culminated with an experience I had several years ago in 2011 when our own State Representative, Gabrielle Giffords, was shot here in Tucson. I looked at all of these wonderful human beings called First Responders who showed up and remain dedicated to this effort for days and weeks to come. Of course my partner, Tim Bingham, was one of those.

It rallied in me a call to inspect and invest my time in looking for how human beings find the mental mindset to dedicate themselves in service to others when it puts them at risk and puts others in safety. In doing that work, I pursued some work at the Navy Special Warfare; we looked at and investigated Emotional Intelligence in this area of Special Operations whether it’s SWAT, First Responders, the Navy Special Warfare and of course we are talking about the Special Warfare combatant crewmen, the Seal community and many other components of those Special Operators. In looking at this information and in looking at the work of many people in this area of performance coaching and positive psychology, we combined our work and came up with Fearless Leaders.

Since that time, TC North and I have been collaborating, I have created a toolkit and a coaching program in a box which will also launch in March with the book. This is a business-in-a-box for coaches and it’s called Fearless Leaders What Are You Capable Of. We are going to be training coaches who are interested in being Fearless Leaders Coaches starting in the February/March time frame.

So, if you are listening to the show and you’d like to be a part of this program, please just opt-in at www.drcathygreenberg.com, or email me personally at [email protected]. We will be happy to give you more information.

Dr. Relly Nadler:  We have been talking about Fearless Leaders, but the other thing that we are excited about is the Miraval experience. Why don’t you say a little bit about what that is all about and how it ties in?

Dr. Cathy Greenberg:  Let me say one more thing about the Fearless Leaders Business-in-a-Box; we are offering, only here on Leadership Development News, a special limited offer for coaches and business leaders who want to get in on the fun early, and sign-up for being members of our coaching community – an invaluable opportunity. I would recommend that everybody go to www.drcathygreenberg.com and you’ll find an opt-in there to learn more about the Fearless Leaders What Are You Capable Of.

Moving on to the Mindfulness Mastermind program at Miraval, Relly and I, with a handful of other high-performing coaches, are going to be delivering an expert experience for anyone who wants to be and live a more mindful, better and satisfying life. Miraval, which is the number one resort in the nation for these experiential programs, has offered to host us. The CEO, Michael Tompkins, as you know, is our year-long coach on Mindful Living. We are very excited because we are going to be delivering this program in a very innovative way. Again, I would inspire all of you who are interested  to join us Wednesday to Sunday, July 23 through the 27th. You come in on a Wednesday afternoon and we kick off Wednesday evening with a meet and greet with all of the mindful living experts at Miraval and then we end on Sunday with a gratitude café appreciation program and you get a mindful living program for an entire year and you also get access to the Mindful Living coaches. It’s an experience that we are very excited to offer. It’s a limited offer for Leadership Development News, if you go to www.Miravalresorts.com or www.drcathygreenberg.com you will learn more about it. You can also learn about it at our joint website www.xcelinstitute.com.

Anyone that wants to have the experience can apply, we will be very selective and you have to go through a nomination process, not anybody can join us. This is a very exclusive event for a group of individuals who are like-minded. We need to also make sure that our audience knows that we only have room for 50 attendees. It’s a first-come, first-serve basis. The program is valued at $60,000 and that sounds like a lot of money, but we are offering this program, which is not only the 4-day stay inclusive; all your activities, all your meals – it includes a credit toward your spa treatments. It also includes a year-long coaching program with Relly and myself and a select group of other coaches, along with a mindful living calendar.  We are doing this for a mere $25,000. It’s a very special event. If we get more than 50 people signed up we will hold another one, probably in September. You can find out more by clicking here and opting in.

There is so much more to learn about Fearless Leaders: Sharpen Your Focus and our Mindful Mastermind at Miraval, plus you can get more tips and tools to tune-up your performance by listening to the complete recording above, without commercials.

Join us for Mindful Living 2014!


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