Cheaters, Derailers and Building Resiliency

What are the characteristics that dethrone many of our heroes and leaders?


Lance Armstrong and other heroes we idolize cheat. How does their passions for success drive them to take that road? Our leaders can fall from grace quickly and lose their credibility in just moments. How does that happen?

What can trump your Emotional Intelligence competencies? The Derailer Detector identifies the top characteristics, or “fatal flaws”, which have to be attended to and mitigated. Problem solving and decision making can be compromised when these derailers are present.

To see if any of these Derailers are present for you, click here to take the assessments.

Building resilience and developing practices that can keep your problem solving and IQ intact, is the inoculation from these Derailers. Learn the cutting edge practices that Dr. Greenberg and I bring to our corporate executives.

Join us as Dr. Greenberg and I talk about these Derailers and how they affected Lance Armstrong. Each month 35,000 people tune in to tune up their performance and learn about Emotional Intelligence. Learn what might be derailing you. Listen to the complete discussion without commercials, above.

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