Leaders as Coaches

Dr. Relly Nadler:
This time on Leadership Development news we are talking with a colleague and great friend of our show, Dr. Ed Nottingham. Ed is a consulting and clinical psychologist. He works internally for a Fortune 100 company and he delivers programs to help leaders be more coach-like. We’ll get more into that, as well as programs on emotional intelligence.

He’s got a lot of initials after his name. In addition to the Ph.D., he’s a diplomat in Organizational and Business Consulting Psychology, Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology, and Clinical Psychology. The initials ABPP are for the American Board of Professional Psychology.

He is also a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the divisions of independent practice to society of clinical psychology/psychotherapy and the society of consulting psychology. He is a fellow of the Academy of Clinical Psychology and is listed in the national registrar of Health Service Providers.

He had a private practice for a while, specializing in rational emotive behavior therapy, we’ll ask him about that. He had one of the first cognitive behavior therapies, we will ask him a little bit about that too.

He also trained with the founder of the field, Albert Ellis.

These days and since 2003, he has worked for large corporations in different positions doing leadership consulting as a trainer and also as a learning development partner, HR advisor, and leadership coach. He’s been using the EQI (Emotional Quotient Inventory) for quite a while. We’ve talked a lot about some of the best practices that he’s used in organizations.

Dr. Nottingham, welcome to the call.

Dr. Ed Nottingham: And Dr. Nadler, I’m so happy to be here, since I am a long-time listener and fan.

Dr. Relly Nadler:  This is going to be enjoyable for me and hopefully for you too.

First, we’ll hear about your background, because it is exciting. But then also, the work that you have been doing these days with the organization that you are with because I know your background is very innovative and they are very fortunate to have you.

So, why don’t you tell us a little bit about where you are today, what do you do today around your corporate job, training, and everything else.

Dr. Ed Nottingham: It’s interesting because when you were talking about my years in practice and so on, I started adding it up, and it was scary when I realized that I’ve either been working in clinical practice or for the last 17 years in the corporate world. So, a total of 41 years, which is kind of scary when I think about it.

I probably was like you when you were in private practice, I was loving what I was doing but Manage Care was starting to tell us how we were going to treat our clients and what we were going to do and how we were going to do it. So, one night I just mentioned to a friend of mine at a local psychological association meeting, that if I could use my psychology background in the corporate world, I’d be a real happy camper.

She said, “Well, you know my husband works for this large 17 state financial institution, they are looking for someone to do leadership development and training.”

So, on a whim, I applied. Knowing nothing about the area and somehow, miraculously, I got the job. Since then, I spent 4 years with that company, then I was recruited to the company that I’m working in now. What is so great is being able to use both that background, and you mentioned my background in rational motive behavior therapy or cognitive behavior therapy. Being able to use some of those skills in the programs I deliver as well as really being able to focus on helping leaders be more coach-like and helping our leaders and others to actually build their emotional intelligence.

That’s really, these days in my world, focusing on helping people be more coach-like and to build their emotional intelligence.

Listen to the entire interview, above.


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