Fearless Leaders: Principles for Being Truly Fearless in Life

My two Fearless Leader colleagues spoke about their new upcoming
book in this interview on Leadership Development News. You can
subscribe to the show on iTunes Podcasts.

Speaker and high-performance executive coach, Dr. T.C. North,
accelerates and motivates organizations and individuals to become
high performers to attain their dreams and visions.

My co-host, who is an award-winning author, ABC TV’s “First Lady of Happiness”, and ICF
Certified Coach, Dr. Cathy L. Greenberg, is working together with Dr. North as they share the secrets of success in their new book,Fearless Leaders™, just one of many titles in their forthcoming digital and hardback book series, Fearless Leaders™.

Learn more about the principles for being truly fearless in life, love,

business and relationships. It’s Emotional Intelligence at its
best. They spoke about:

  1. What performance experts like professional and Olympic athletes do
    that business leaders can apply?
    They spoke about the preparation, present,
    earning and review stages. Most executives I work with don’t take enough time on the preparation
    stage and very limited time on review or lessons learned–it is on to the next task.
  2. How do you align your conscious and unconscious mind? This deals with
    being aware of your belief system and unconscious thoughts.
    Researchers have said we have 60,000 thoughts a day–what percent of
    yours are positive, constructive and even accurate?
  3. What is a mindset maniac and how do you learn the skills to increase your
    Dr. Greenberg and Dr. North talk about how to stay in the moment and
    manage your emotional and mental state that Olympic athletes use.
    They highlighted 1) breathe in slowly, 2) center yourself, 3) focus on your goal, and 4)
    visualize your goal completion.

Click above to listen to the whole interview without commercials.

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